Tag Archives: work

To get to know myself better

  1. What are my strengths? Imaginative, resourceful, smart.
  2. What are my short-term goals? Build sources of passive income.
  3. Long-term goals? Find peace of mind.
  4. Who matters most to me? Bong Gu.
  5. What do I like to do for fun? Writing fantasy stories.
  6. What new activities am I interested in or willing to try? Skydiving.
  7. What am I worried about? Wasting my time.
  8. If I could have one wish, it would be: To have more time, or not being aware that my time to live is limited. 
  9. Where do I feel safest? On the internet.
  10. What is my proudest accomplishment? Traveling on foot with my dog.
  11. What is my biggest failure? I did my best.
  12. Am I a night owl or an early bird? I wake up early and go to bed early.
  13. What do I like about my job? What do I dislike? I am an unemployed person.
  14. What does my inner critic tell me? That whatever I do it will always be second best to what I could have done.
  15. What do I do to show myself self-compassion and self-care? I understand that even if I made some mistakes, I was doing the best I could based on the resources, the circumstances and the information that was available to me at the time.
  16. Am I an introvert or an extrovert? Am I energized being around others or being by myself? Need to be alone to recharge.
  17. What am I passionate about? Finding answers and solutions to problems.
  18. What is my happiest memory? I was floating in the ocean on the coast of Kerala, India. The sky above me was clear and there was nothing or no one else in the water or the beach. Time appeared to freeze as I found myself alone in the universe.
  19. What do my dreams tell me? Nothing, they’re just dreams.
  20. What is my favorite book? 1Q84
  21. Band? The brilliant green.
  22. Food? Falafel.
  23. Color? Pink
  24. Animal? Ants.
  25. What am I grateful for? My mind and freedom.
  26. When I’m feeling down I like to: Think everything will pass, even this.
  27. I know I’m stressed when I: Start walking in circles around the room in an attempt to rationalize the situation and understand it so that I can calm myself down.
  28. What activity in your life lights you up with joy? Playing with dog
  29. If a relationship or job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave? I don’t choose to leave, because staying was never an option.
  30. How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better? It doesn’t really.
  31. How comfortable are you with your own mortality? Pretty uncomfortable.
  32. What is your highest core value? Freedom.
  33. To your best knowledge, how do other people perceive you? Like someone whose train has long gone and there’s no way to return. 
  34. How would you like others to perceive you? Like someone who is kind and lives a simple life.
  35. Who is your greatest role model? Carl Sagan.
  36. Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with? I live a solitary life.
  37. What is something that is true for you no matter what? I will die.
  38. How do you feel about your parents? They are ok.
  39. How is your relationship with money? Tumultuous.
  40. How do you feel about growing old someday? Scared. 
  41. What role has formal education played in your life and how do you feel about it? No role, I don’t really think about it.
  42. Do you believe your destiny is pre-determined or in your hands to shape however you wish? In my hands.
  43. What do you believe is the meaning of your life? There is no meaning.

What do you do?

Friend 2: It’s 4.30, what keeps you up this late?

Bruno: It’s not so late.

Friend 2: You don’t have to work tomorrow?

Bruno: No, I don’t.

Friend 2: BTW, what do you do? Are you working or studying?

Bruno: Is there a third choice?

Friend 2: Traveling?

Bruno: How about a fourth option?

Friend 2: No fourth option.

Bruno: Well if you want to classify 6 billion people you’re gonna need more than 3 categories.

Friend 2: Not really, most of them will fit under those 3.

Bruno: 99% maybe, but how about the rest?

Friend 2: Are you the 1%?

Bruno: Yes, but not that 1% you’re thinking of. I’m the 1% inside the 99%

Friend 2: Maybe I shouldn’t try to classify everyone

Bruno: We all make that mistake, when we meet someone we try to fit it in as many categories as we can, so it can fit a familiar pattern in our minds, we are afraid of the unknown so if we analyze it and label it as something we have seen before we can understand it, kind of.

Friend 2: And now it sounds like you are over analyzing things.

Bruno: Probably.

Friend 2: So, if you don’t work, that means you are rich, you are the evil 1%

Bruno: Rich, really? You saw me eating that bread we found on the street this morning.

Friend 2: I thought you just didn’t like people wasting food so you grabbed it and ate it.

Bruno: Yeah, that too. But you’ve seen me cutting my own hair.

Friend 2: Well, you have your own style.

Bruno: You’ve seen me going all the way to the supermarket just to eat the free food samples.

Friend 2: I thought you just liked to try different things.

Bruno: You’ve seen me sleeping in the park and on the beach.

Friend 2: Nature-lover.

Bruno: You’ve seen me grabbing the coins from the fountain.

Friend 2: Actually I have a picture of that.

Bruno: So, how can you say I’m rich?

Friend 2: Because you go to many countries and only rich people can do that.

Bruno: That’s ridiculous.

Friend 2: Well, that’s what I think and that’s what most people think. 

Bruno: But it’s nonsense. You know I’m not rich and if I were you know what I would do with the money.

Friend 2: Buy a pony?

Bruno: No, I would do the same I’m doing now.

Friend 2: Which is…

Bruno: Surviving.

Friend 2: Fair enough.

Bruno: I can live modestly with around 800 dollars a month, that’s like 10.000 a year, I may live another 60 years, so that makes 600.000. I know it’s stupid that we are the only species that has to pay to live on this planet. But if I were rich I would make sure I have the 600.000 to live the rest of my life on this planet and then just give the rest away, so someone else doesn’t need to worry about surviving anymore and can relax and enjoy the rest of their life.

Friend 2: Who will you give it to?

Bruno: To you.

Friend 2: Cheers.

Bruno: No worries.